Current Position: US Senator since 2007
Affiliation: Democrat
Former Positions: Treasurer of Pennsylvania from 2005 – 2007; Auditor General of Pennsylvania from 1997 – 2005
Other Positions: Chair, Subcommittee on Children and Families – Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions; Chair, Special Committee on Aging
Upcoming election: Lost race for another term in 2024
Casey is the son of Bob Casey Sr., a former governor of Pennsylvania. Casey practiced law in Scranton before beginning his political career as Pennsylvania’s auditor general.
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The #BetterCareBetterJobs Act would make President Biden’s proposal to invest in home and community-based services a reality and improve the lives of millions of seniors, people with disabilities, and home care workers. #BuildBackBetter
PA Sen. Bob Casey explains his decision to support blowing up the filibuster
OnAir Post: Bob Casey – PA
Source: Government page
U.S. Senator Bob Casey fights every day for Pennsylvania families
He is a strong advocate for policies that will raise wages for the middle class and improve early learning opportunities and health care for children. Senator Casey serves on four committees, including the Finance Committee, the HELP Committee, and the Select Committee on Intelligence. He is also the Chairman of the Special Committee on Aging, where his agenda is focused on policies that support seniors and individuals with disabilities.
Born and raised in Scranton, Pennsylvania, Senator Casey graduated from The College of the Holy Cross in 1982, and spent the following year teaching fifth grade and coaching eighth grade basketball in inner city Philadelphia for the Jesuit Volunteer Corps. He received his law degree from Catholic University in 1988, and entered the practice of law in Scranton. Senator Casey and his wife, Terese, live in Scranton and have four adult daughters.
Bob Casey is a champion for Pennsylvanians in the U.S. Senate, fighting for the needs of children, families, and workers across the Commonwealth.
The words “all public service is a trust, given in faith and accepted in honor” are inscribed over the front door of the Finance Building in Harrisburg, and are principles that have guided Senator Casey throughout his time in public service. Since he was elected to the United States Senate in 2006, he has fought for the needs of workers, children, and families in the Commonwealth and across the Nation.
Advocating for children
Senator Casey is a nationally recognized advocate for children. He has championed programs to improve child health and education, spurred by his belief that all children deserve a strong start in life, and that the economic health of our Nation rests upon how well we help prepare our children for success. This belief led to the creation of the Five Freedoms for America’s Children, a detailed plan to secure the blessings of freedom for the children of today and tomorrow. This plan identifies five basic freedoms that our society must guarantee to our Nation’s children, and recommends policy changes to ensure those freedoms for all children: freedom to be healthy, freedom to be economically secure, freedom to learn, freedom from hunger, and freedom to be safe from harm. Legislation sponsored by Senator Casey that has become law includes major portions of the Keep Kids in School Act, the Emergency Medical Services for Children Reauthorization Act, and the Health Insurance for Former Foster Youth Act.
Senator Casey is also a tireless advocate for the food and nutritional needs of American families and children, and has been a strong advocate for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and other nutrition programs that help vulnerable children and families in Pennsylvania. SNAP serves more than 800,000 children each year.
As concerns arose across the nation about the dangers of campus sexual assault, Senator Casey took action and passed into law the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act. These regulations strengthen reporting standards on college campuses so that instances of sexual violence are reported in a uniform manner and victims are provided with appropriate support.
Keeping our promise to older Americans
As the Chairman of the Senate Special Committee on Aging, Senator Casey has led Senate efforts to ensure that our Nation’s seniors have the resources and support they need in their older age. Senator Casey’s Supporting Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Act became law in July 2018 and created a federal advisory council charged with developing a one-stop-shop of information to help grandparents raising grandchildren and other kinship caregivers raising relative children address challenges that they may face.
Fighting for people with disabilities
Through his Committee work, Senator Casey continues to be the Senate’s leader on disability rights, leading a total of 19 disability policy bills in 2019 alone that covered education, health, employment, financial security, civil rights, disaster preparation and relief, veterans, and Social Security. He was the prime Senate sponsor of landmark legislation for individuals with disabilities, the Stephen Beck Jr. Achieving a Better Life Experience Act (ABLE). ABLE will allow millions of families across the United States to save for the long term care of their loved ones with a disability by using a tax-advantage savings account. The Associated Press hailed this legislation as “the most important new law for [those with disabilities] in 25 years.” Senator Casey believes that people with disabilities have a lot of ability, and we must give those with disabilities the tools to succeed in the workforce and to live a full life.
Building a better economy
Across Pennsylvania, Senator Casey works to boost initiatives that create good-paying jobs and grow local economies. He believes creating opportunity for Pennsylvania businesses and workers is key to creating jobs and investing in the economic future of the Commonwealth. During his time in the Senate, Senator Casey has fought to increase the minimum wage, ensure equal pay for equal work, and enhance worker protections.
Increasing opportunity also means creating conditions under which workers and businesses can prosper. As a member of the Finance Committee, Senator Casey has worked to pass legislation to make it easier for small businesses to plan for capital investments that are vital to job creation; voted to provide billions for tax cuts to encourage businesses to hire workers; and strongly supported extending tax breaks that promote innovation and research that drives our economy. He has also advocated for increased investment in the roads, bridges, and ports that are vital to the Pennsylvania economy.
Senator Casey has worked to eliminate policies that rig the economic system against American workers. He has continuously fought against unfair trade policies that force American workers to compete on a playing field that is not level. He has pushed for the U.S. government to take stronger action against China in response to the undervaluing of its currency and other policies that result in American job loss. He also voted for legislation to eliminate tax policies that make it easier for companies to send U.S. jobs overseas.
From Scranton to Washington
Prior to coming to Washington, in his eight years as Pennsylvania Auditor General and two years as State Treasurer, Senator Casey compiled a record that focused on making government more accountable and responsive to the needs of Pennsylvanians. He has been a fiscal watchdog who made nursing homes safer, child care more affordable, and government more accountable. To date, Senator Casey continues to utilize the lessons he learned growing up in Scranton to stand up and speak out for the hard-working families who are the heart and soul of our Nation.
Full Name: Robert ‘Bob’ P. Casey, Jr.
Gender: Male
Family: Wife: Terese; 4 Daughters: Elyse, Caroline, Julia, Marena
Birth Date: 04/13/1960
Birth Place: Scranton, PA
Home City: Scranton, PA
Religion: Roman Catholic
Source: Vote Smart
JD, The Catholic University of America, 1988
BA, The College of the Holy Cross, 1978-1982
Political Experience
Senator, United States Senate, 2007-present
State Treasurer, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 2005-2007
Auditor General, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1997-2005
Candidate, Governor of Pennsylvania, 2002
Professional Experience
Lawyer, Private Practice, 1991-1996
Surrogate Speaker, Governor Bob Casey, Jr, 1988-1990
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Election Results
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Source: Open Secrets
Committee work is essential to the Senate. It is where members advocate for the interests of their states, draw attention to important issues, and hold injurious entities accountable. Senator Casey uses his position on committees to move legislation and advance the priorities of the Commonwealth.
Senator Casey serves on four committees in the 117th Congress (2021-2022).
The Committee concerns itself with matters relating to taxation and other revenue measures; bonded debt of the United States; customs, collection districts, and ports of entry and delivery; reciprocal trade agreements; tariff and import quotas; the transportation of dutiable goods; deposit of public moneys; general revenue sharing; health programs under the Social Security Act, including Medicare, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), and other health and human services programs financed by a specific tax or trust fund; and national social security.
Chairman – Subcommittee on Children and Families
The Committee began in 1869 as the Committee on Education. From 1884 through the mid-1900s, it was known as the Education and Labor Committee. In 1999, the Committee was officially renamed the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee.
The Committee was created by the Senate in 1976 to “oversee and make continuing studies of the intelligence activities and programs of the United States Government,” to “submit to the Senate appropriate proposals for legislation and report to the Senate concerning such intelligence activities and programs,” and to “provide vigilant legislative oversight over the intelligence activities of the United States to assure that such activities are in conformity with the Constitution and laws of the United States.”
Chairman – Full Committee
The Special Committee on Aging was first established in 1961 as a temporary body. It was granted permanent status on February 1, 1977. While special committees have no legislative authority, they can study issues, conduct oversight of programs, and investigate reports of fraud and waste.
New Legislation
Source: Government page
Supporting Pennsylvania’s farmers and protecting its natural resources
Senator Casey believes that our farmers play an essential role in supporting our rural communities and feeding families across the state and beyond. Senator Casey has worked to secure wins through past Farm Bills to support dairy farmers, organic agriculture, specialty crops, and other industries critical to Pennsylvania’s agriculture landscape.
As stewards of the land, farmers contribute significantly to conservation efforts to protect and improve our shared natural resources. To support these efforts, Senator Casey continues to advocate for conservation investments that contribute to farm income and also address climate change and improve water quality, including additional support to improve the Chesapeake Bay. Additionally, Senator Casey has led efforts to connect excess food products with families in need through commodity purchases to support food bank distribution, as well as the establishment of farm-to-food-bank projects.
Fighting for a strong start for every Pennsylvania child
Senator Casey believes that all children deserve a strong start in life, and the economic health of our Nation rests upon how well we help prepare our children for success. In the 21st century, it is time that we give our children a fair shot to achieve the future they deserve. That’s what his Five Freedoms for America’s Children agenda is about: securing for our kids the Freedom to be Healthy, Freedom to be Economically Secure, Freedom to Learn, Freedom from Hunger and the Freedom to be Safe from Harm.
By laying a solid foundation that includes health, economic security, education, nutrition, and safety from the day they are born, we can ensure all children can grow to their full potential. As Chairman of the HELP Committee’s Subcommittee on Children and Families and a member of the Committee on Finance, Senator Casey is fighting each day to ensure that children’s needs are being considered in policymaking at every level.
Fighting for equal rights under the law for all people
Senator Casey believes that each generation of Americans has a fundamental obligation to advance and protect the cause of civil rights, as our Nation continues its pursuit to become a “more perfect Union.” This Nation was founded on the notion of freedom and equality for all, and it is imperative that we work until these principles are a reality for every person.
Whether it is fighting for voting rights, equity in our criminal legal system, or policies to support women, the LGBTQ+ community, immigrants, and other marginalized communities, Senator Casey is committed to ensuring that our government provides equal protection under the law for all people.
Defending our planet for today and tomorrow
Pennsylvania’s Environmental Amendment to the state constitution states, “the people have a right to clean air, pure water, and to the preservation of the natural, scenic, historic and esthetic values of the environment…”. Senator Casey believes strongly in this constitutional amendment and the responsibilities that these rights place upon him.
The climate crisis not only threatens the health of the environment for future generations, but it is already having a devastating impact on our communities today by negatively affecting our public health, agriculture, economy, and environment. We need to invest in meaningful climate action now, and we can do so while also creating good jobs and providing robust assistance for training and skill development. Senator Casey believes that we can and we must do both.
Further, Senator Casey believes that our efforts to protect the environment and address the climate crisis must also confront a legacy of environmental injustice in frontline communities throughout our Nation. Senator Casey is focused on advancing policies that ensure all people have equal protection from environmental hazards, in order to live full and productive lives.
Keeping people safe and markets in check
Senator Casey believes that government can play a vital role in protecting consumers from practices that endanger public safety, health, and well-being, and that consumers are entitled to accurate, thorough, and accessible information that empowers them to safeguard their families in an increasingly complex world.
Additionally, Congress and government agencies have a responsibility to ensure that financial products and markets must work for consumers. The creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) was a key step toward ensuring that consumer risks and concerns are at the heart of our financial regulatory system. Senator Casey is committed to preserving the CFPB’s ability and authority to execute its mandate, promote financial education, monitor financial markets for risks to consumers, and restrict unfair or abusive practices like scams and predatory lending.
Similarly, government oversight and regulation by agencies, such as the CFPB and the Federal Trade Commission, can play an important role in making markets work for middle-class Americans.
Protecting personal data and America’s networks
Senator Casey is increasingly concerned by the weaponization of information and data and the growing role cybersecurity plays in U.S. national security. Cybersecurity and national security are increasingly intertwined. Our Nation’s cybersecurity – that of our government agencies, corporations, and everyday Americans – is increasingly under threat by those who seek to undermine our national security, the integrity of our elections, and the privacy of consumers.
It is no secret that recent breaches of government agencies and major corporate entities, as well as foreign cyber activity during the 2016 presidential elections, have revealed significant gaps in our cybersecurity infrastructure. Senator Casey continues to advocate for sustained investment in cybersecurity infrastructure and capacity, both in government and by the private sector, as it is essential to protect the safety and privacy of Americans.
As a member of the Select Committee on Intelligence, Senator Casey is committed to conducting stringent oversight of government agencies responsible for U.S. national security, and ensuring they have the necessary resources to counter 21st century threats.
Reimagining the global community and supporting America’s defense
Senator Casey believes that diplomatic engagement, working with our allies, and robust foreign assistance are the best ways to promote America’s interests abroad. However, these efforts must be coupled with a strong national security apparatus and investments in deterrence and self-defense.
The national security challenges facing our Nation today are immense. They include competing with China in a complex global economy, as Chinese actions increasingly undermine American interests; taking a global leadership role and working with allies to combat climate change; protecting our Nation from terrorists; countering Russia’s malign activities; supporting our stalwart ally, Israel; and bolstering international efforts to combat the grave threat of nuclear terrorism.
As a member of the Select Committee on Intelligence, Senator Casey continues to work to pursue a national security strategy that protects our interests, promotes human rights and democracy worldwide, and supports those who serve our Nation.
Ensuring people with disabilities have the opportunities and access available to all Americans
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that there are 61 million people in the United States with a disability. From newborns to the oldest seniors, disability is part of our communities and families.
For the over 1.8 million Pennsylvanians with disabilities and all those across our Nation with similar circumstances, Senator Casey believes they should have the same opportunities as people without disabilities: to secure a quality education, to have comprehensive health care, and to work at a good job where it is possible to be economically self-sufficient. He also believes people with disabilities should be free from the prejudice and bias of low expectations and limited opportunities.
Accessibility means that our physical spaces, roads and buildings, schools, and stadiums are accessible. It also means our ever-expanding virtual world – websites, online work places, and virtual services – are accessible, too. All aspects of our society must be accessible to people with all types of disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act affirms the civil rights of people with disabilities. However, those rights cannot be fulfilled without supports. Senator Casey is committed to working to provide the supports that will enable people with disabilities to exercise their right to self-determination.
Enabling Pennsylvania’s kids to grow and succeed
Senator Casey believes that a quality education from early childhood through college is of paramount importance for every child, and in turn, the future of Pennsylvania and our Nation. Ensuring all children have access to a high-quality education not only improves their economic success, but is also critical to developing a well-rounded and civically engaged population.
Senator Casey believes we must ensure every child has access to high-quality early learning opportunities. He also believes that we must make significant investments in public education, in order to address long-existing inequities and ensure that every child has the opportunity to reach their full potential.
Powering the Commonwealth and America
Pennsylvania has been a national leader in energy production. Senator Casey believes we must maintain that status while also working to address the climate crisis and invest in energy solutions that bring economic, health, and environmental benefits to all Pennsylvanians. We must increase the use of renewable energy to address the climate crisis, while also recognizing and prioritizing the protection and creation of good-paying jobs in the energy sector.
Senator Casey also works to protect the health and safety of communities throughout the Commonwealth, which is why he supports the regulation of natural gas extraction, as well as disclosure of chemicals involved in the process. Our communities absolutely deserve transparency when it comes to protecting human health, and Senator Casey supports responsible fracking that is regulated and closely monitored to protect our communities.
Reinventing the system to help workers and the middle class
Senator Casey believes there is no more urgent priority for our Nation than rebuilding the middle class by raising wages and creating good-paying jobs. Our tax system can play a critical role in ensuring that all residents of the Commonwealth have a fair shot at financial stability in today’s economy.
Across our Commonwealth’s cities and towns – large and small, urban and rural – Senator Casey has heard a consistent message from Pennsylvanians: too many families are struggling to get ahead while a fraction of the elite reap the benefits of a tax and financial system that rewards the few at the expense of the many.
For too many families, their costs keep going up, but their wages do not keep pace. Senator Casey supports reversing the massive tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy and big corporations passed in 2017, and enacting tax policies to rebuild the middle class, reduce child poverty, lower the costs of child care, and support working parents and opportunities for all Americans.
Fighting for a fair share
Senator Casey fights to ensure that residents of the Commonwealth get a fair share of federal funding, from our largest cities to our small towns and rural areas. Senator Casey frequently works to establish that formula grants created by legislation do not disadvantage Pennsylvania, and he actively participates in the appropriations process to ensure that Pennsylvania needs are championed in Congress. He also assists Pennsylvania organizations applying for federal grants and helps constituents navigate the federal bureaucracy, so they can better help their local communities.
Combatting the gun violence epidemic and supporting survivors and families
Gun violence is a public health epidemic ravaging our Nation and disproportionately affecting our communities of color. Senator Casey believes that we have an obligation to do everything that we can to combat this uniquely American problem, including passing commonsense measures to keep dangerous firearms out of the hands of dangerous people. Those efforts should include universal background checks, limits on magazine size, and banning military-style assault weapons. He also believes that we must increase our efforts to support the millions of gun violence survivors across our Nation who struggle to cope with the aftermath of this senseless violence.
Fighting for affordable health care and a healthier Commonwealth
American families deserve access to quality, affordable health care, and ensuring access to this care is a top priority for Senator Casey. Senator Casey is a member of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions and the Committee on Finance, both of which oversee policies and programs related to health care access. Senator Casey also serves as the Chairman of the Special Committee on Aging, where he constantly advocates for the health care needs of older Americans and those with disabilities.
Senator Casey uses his positions on these committees to defend the Affordable Care Act, protect Medicaid and Medicare, expand and protect health care access for all Pennsylvanians, lower out-of-pocket health care costs for seniors and families, ensure children have a healthy start in life, promote lifesaving biomedical research, and find ways to combat the opioid crisis.
Support for safe homes across the Commonwealth
Senator Casey believes in safe, secure, and affordable housing for all Pennsylvanians, and that includes his commitment to housing stability.
The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated what we have all known for too long – that homelessness has calamitous effects on individual and community health. Safe housing also means resilient housing, built away from or to withstand the worsening effects of climate change, and housing that is safe from environmental risk and contamination. Senator Casey advocates for policies to support these efforts at the federal level.
A secure border and dignity for those seeking a better life
The American immigration system as it exists today fails to address the needs of our economy, our families, and our national security. Senator Casey believes we must take an accountable, commonsense approach to immigration reform. This means enacting policies that bring undocumented immigrants out of the shadows and into our communities and economy, secure our borders, unite families, and ensure individuals fleeing violence and persecution who arrive at our shores have a fair opportunity to petition the government for asylum – and are well cared for while they do so.
Senator Casey also believes that we must work with other countries, especially in Central America, to address the root causes of migration. Fundamentally, Senator Casey believes the United States – a Nation of immigrants and a Nation of laws – must foster a system that treats all individuals with compassion and dignity, while also securing our border and protecting our national security.
Growing and sustaining the middle class
Senator Casey believes that the middle class and working people are the economic engine of our economy, and that an economy built by and for them is good for America. As such, he champions economic policies built around workers and creating good-paying jobs in Pennsylvania, and lowering costs for families.
Senator Casey believes in promoting a fair economy with equal opportunities for all Pennsylvanians to work hard and get ahead. This vision relies on educational opportunities, investments in children and families, strong infrastructure, fair tax policies, worker protections and labor rights, and is founded on the premise that growing inequality is both inconsistent with American principles and an impediment to equal opportunity.
Reforming and addressing systemic racism in our legal system
Senator Casey believes that our Nation is at a moral crossroads, and we can no longer accept a criminal legal system – informed by centuries-old prejudices and racial bias – that turns a blind eye to the injustice and systemic racism impacting our communities of color. He believes that we can and we must reform these systems, while still supporting our law enforcement and holding accountable those who abuse their positions of public trust. Furthermore, Senator Casey is a strong leader in ensuring that formerly incarcerated Americans receive a full and fair second chance to reenter society.
Fighting for workers’ rights and wellbeing
Senator Casey believes that strengthening workers’ rights and protections is essential to building an economy that works for all Americans. Raising the minimum wage, protecting workers’ fundamental right to organize, and ensuring that all workplaces are safe and free from discrimination or harassment are critical to ensuring that workers can support themselves and their families. When workers have a say in decisions that affect them, workplace protections are enforced, and workers are fairly compensated for their labor, the entire American economy benefits.
Creating opportunities for growth
Senator Casey believes in protecting the competitiveness of Pennsylvania businesses and creating new opportunities for new and existing firms. Small businesses are the backbone of the Commonwealth and the Nation, and Senator Casey believes in getting these businesses the resources they need to thrive. Infrastructure, the tax code, training opportunities, and support from the Small Business Administration, Minority Business Development Agency, and other sources are all key elements of a thriving business environment that Senator Casey works to promote.
Supporting and protecting Pennsylvania’s seniors
Senator Casey believes that all older Americans have the right to age with dignity and financial security in the setting of their choice. He is committed to protecting and strengthening Social Security and Medicare, eliminating age discrimination in the workplace, and ensuring Medicaid’s long-term services and supports are available to all seniors who need them.
Older Americans fought our wars, taught our children, worked in our factories, and helped build our middle class. It is our sacred duty to care for the generations that came before us.
A global economy and fairer trading practices
Senator Casey believes that one of our Nation’s most important priorities is creating good-paying jobs and raising wages for workers and families. There are many components to building an economy that works for all Americans, and one vital element is trade.
When foreign nations cheat on trading practices, Pennsylvania workers lose their jobs. This is why we must have ironclad trade enforcement and fight against dumping, subsidies, and overcapacity. The challenges posed by non-market economies like China are not unique to the United States. They are global. As our Nation takes steps to protect Pennsylvania jobs and wages, we must also work with our allies toward a sustained and coordinated strategy to address these issues of mutual concern.
International trade that is fair can have substantial benefits for our economy and our workers. The only way to achieve fair trade is by holding accountable those nations that cheat, and taking commonsense steps to ensure that the bedrocks of our democracy are protected. Senator Casey continues to fight to ensure U.S trade policies align with our national priorities, including on labor, environment, climate change, and women’s economic empowerment, and that those trade policies support protections for workers’ wages and certainty for American farmers.
Pennsylvanians can outcompete anyone in the world when the playing field is level, and we must support and enact laws that help ensure it is.
Connecting Pennsylvania in the 21st century
Senator Casey believes that innovative and resilient infrastructure is essential to support a growing economy. The Commonwealth’s roads, rails, waterways, airways, bridges, dams, levees, ports, airports, and transit stations are critical pieces of each Pennsylvanian’s life. As such, he is committed to federal support for these systems and to working with state and local partners to develop innovative solutions to ensure that our transportation systems are equitable and resilient.
Senator Casey also recognizes that broadband internet is a critical component of modern life and is necessary for full participation in the economy and educational opportunities. He strongly supports robust investment in broadband internet, particularly investments in communities that lack access to affordable, quality internet services.
America’s eternal obligation to its defenders
Senator Casey believes we have an abiding obligation to serve the brave men and women who have served our Nation. President Lincoln outlined a simple and vitally important mandate when it comes to the care that is owed to our veterans: “To care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow, and his orphan.” We must also recognize the sacrifices borne by the families of veterans – by the mothers and fathers, and especially the spouses and children. These loved ones not only provide an invaluable support system, but often serve as caregivers when their servicemember or veteran returns home.
Pennsylvania has one of the highest populations of veterans in the Nation – totaling nearly 1 million people. Senator Casey continues to fight for veterans’ access to high-quality education, health care, and disability benefits. He is an advocate for expanding services for female veterans, mental health resources, and ensuring caregivers have adequate resources to support and care for Pennsylvania’s veterans.
More Information
Robert Patrick Casey Jr. (born April 13, 1960) is an American lawyer and politician who is the senior United States senator from Pennsylvania, a seat he has held since 2007. He is a member of the Democratic Party and the dean of Pennsylvania’s congressional delegation.
Born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, Casey is the son of Bob Casey Sr., a former governor of Pennsylvania. After graduating from the College of the Holy Cross and the Catholic University of America, he practiced law in Scranton before beginning his political career as Pennsylvania Auditor General, a position he was elected to in 1996 and held until 2005.
In 2002, Casey ran for governor of Pennsylvania, but lost the Democratic primary to Ed Rendell. After being term-limited out of his position as auditor general, Casey was elected treasurer in 2004. In 2006, Casey ran for the U.S. Senate and defeated the Republican incumbent, Rick Santorum. Casey was reelected in 2012 and in 2018, becoming the first Democrat in Pennsylvania to win three consecutive Senate terms. He ran for a fourth term in 2024 but lost to Republican nominee David McCormick.[1]
Early life and education
Casey was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, on April 13, 1960, one of eight children of Ellen (née Harding) and Bob Casey Sr., the 42nd governor of Pennsylvania. He is of Irish descent.[2]
Casey played basketball at Scranton Preparatory School, from which he graduated in 1978. He graduated from the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts, in 1982, and received a Juris Doctor from the Columbus School of Law at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., in 1988.[3] Between college and law school, Casey served as a member of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps and spent a year teaching 5th grade and coaching basketball at the Gesu School in Francisville, Philadelphia.[4] He practiced law in Scranton from 1988 until 1996.[4]
Early political career
State auditor
Casey ran for Pennsylvania State Auditor General in 1996, winning the Democratic nomination.[5] He won the general election and was reelected in 2000, serving two terms, from 1997 to 2005.[6]
In a 2002 PoliticsPA feature story designating politicians with yearbook superlatives, Casey was named “Most Likely to Succeed”.[7]
2002 gubernatorial election
Casey attempted to follow in his father’s footsteps by running for governor of Pennsylvania. He faced former Philadelphia Mayor Ed Rendell in the Democratic primary election. Rendell had run for governor and lost to Casey’s father in 1986. The Pennsylvania Democratic Party supported Casey, whom it saw as more electable than Rendell due to his popularity among Democrats statewide, strong support from unions, and name recognition. He chose Jack Wagner as his running mate.[8]
In a bitter primary, classified as the then-most expensive in Pennsylvania’s history,[9] Rendell won the nomination by winning only 10 out of 67 counties: Philadelphia and its Delaware Valley suburbs (Bucks, Chester, Montgomery, and Delaware), its Lehigh Valley exurbs (Berks, Lehigh, and Northampton), Lancaster, and Centre, the home of Penn State University.[10] Casey endorsed Rendell after the primary and Rendell won the general election.
State treasurer
In 2004, Casey, who was term limited as auditor general, was elected State Treasurer. He served in this position from 2005 to 2007.[11]
U.S. Senate

In 2005, Casey received calls from U.S. Senators Chuck Schumer, the chair of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, and Harry Reid, the Senate minority leader. Both asked him to run for U.S. Senate in the 2006 U.S. Senate election against Republican incumbent Rick Santorum. On March 5, 2005, Casey launched his campaign for the Democratic nomination. His run for the Senate was his fifth statewide campaign in nine years.
Casey was almost immediately endorsed by Governor Ed Rendell, his primary election opponent from 2002.[12] He was endorsed by two Democrats who had been mentioned as possible U.S. Senate nominees: former Congressman Joe Hoeffel, who had run against Pennsylvania’s other Senator, Arlen Specter, in 2004, and former State Treasurer Barbara Hafer, whom many in the abortion rights movement had attempted to convince to run against Casey in the Democratic primary.[citation needed]
Casey’s more socially conservative views led to two challenges in the Democratic primary. His two challengers, college professor Chuck Pennacchio and pension lawyer Alan Sandals, argued that Casey’s views on abortion and other social issues were too conservative for most Pennsylvania Democrats. Casey challenged this, arguing his opinions gave him cross-party appeal. He defeated both challengers in the May 16 primary with 85% of the vote.[13][14]
On election night, Casey won the race with 59% of the vote to Santorum’s 41%. Casey’s 17.4-point victory margin was the highest ever for a Democrat running for Senate in Pennsylvania.[15] It was also the largest for a challenger to any incumbent Senator since James Abdnor unseated George McGovern by 18.8 points in 1980.[16]

Casey sought reelection in 2012.[17][18] His prospects were uncertain. Observers noted that as the election approached, Casey, an early supporter of Obama, had “started to oppose the president outright or developed more nuanced responses to events that differentiate him from Mr. Obama. Analysts say Mr. Casey wants to put some distance between himself and a president whose job approval ratings in Pennsylvania are poor”.[19] In December 2011, it was reported that the AFL–CIO would spend “over $170,000” on pro-Casey TV ads.[20]
Casey easily defeated challenger Joseph Vodvarka in the Democratic primary, and faced the Republican nominee, former coal company owner Tom Smith, in the general election. He defeated Smith on November 6, 53.7% to 44.6%, making him the first Democrat elected to a second term in the Senate from Pennsylvania since Joseph S. Clark Jr. in 1962.[21]
Casey defeated the Republican nominee, U.S. Congressman and former Hazelton mayor Lou Barletta, 55.7% to 42.6%. The victory made Casey the first Democrat to be elected to a third term in state history, as well as the first to win six statewide elections.[22][23][24]
Casey ran for a fourth Senate term in 2024 and lost to Republican nominee David McCormick.[25] In an interview after the election, Casey attributed his defeat to not winning enough votes in the Philadelphia metropolitan area, while losing ground in the state’s rural areas.[26]

Casey endorsed Barack Obama in the Democratic presidential primaries of 2008.[27] The Pennsylvania Report said he “struck gold” by endorsing Obama early in the primary, a move that gave him “inside access to the halls of the White House”.[28][dead link ] Casey campaigned across Pennsylvania in support of Obama’s candidacy in the months leading up to the primary in that state; they bowled together at Pleasant Valley Lanes in Altoona.[29][dead link ]
Casey has been called an “even-keeled moderate, not only in tone but in policy”, but after Donald Trump became president in 2017, Casey developed a “new, saltier social media prowess”. His outspoken opposition to many of Trump’s actions prompted one local media outlet to describe his new strategy before his 2018 reelection campaign as “Oppose Trump every chance he gets”.[30][31]
In February 2018, while speaking to John Catsimatidis on New York radio station WNYM, Casey issued a warning to special counsel Robert Mueller not to deliver a report on his findings in the Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections investigation too near to the 2018 midterm elections. While saying he could not “make any assumptions about where the Mueller investigation is going”, he said he “would recommend Mueller not release a report on his findings near the midterms” because it would “distract from elections or cause people to question the election’s integrity”.[32]
Committee assignments

- Committee on Finance[33]
- Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
- Select Committee on Intelligence
- Special Committee on Aging (Chairman)[34]
Caucus memberships
Political positions
Economic issues

In 2014, Casey released a report on income inequality in Pennsylvania and urged Congress to raise the minimum wage, extend unemployment insurance, and increase funding for early education.[36][37][38] He has said he believes that the United States has not exhausted its options to stop foreign countries from flooding the country with steel supplies, and that he wanted the Trump administration to defend nuclear power in Pennsylvania.[39]
In 2017, Casey was one of eight Democratic senators to sign a letter to President Trump noting government-subsidized Chinese steel had been placed into the American market in recent years below cost and had hurt the domestic steel industry and the iron ore industry that fed it, calling on Trump to raise the steel issue with President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping in his meeting with him.[40]
In 2023, Casey introduced two bills focused on workplace AI and worker surveillance, including the No Robot Bosses Act, which prohibits employers from solely using an automated decision system to make employment-related decisions.[41]
In 2024, Casey introduced the Shrinkflation Protection Act, which would prevent companies from selling smaller sizes of product without lowering prices, and the Price Gouging Prevention Act, which would create a federal ban on “grossly excessive price increases”.[42]

As a candidate for state treasurer in 2004, Casey opposed school vouchers and supported using state funds “to increase the availability of safe, quality and affordable early care and education for families that choose to use these programs”.[43]
Casey questioned Trump’s nomination of Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education on the grounds that she and her husband had donated to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), which seeks to “defend individual rights on college campuses”. He asked DeVos to “fully explain whether she supports the radical view that it should be more difficult for campus sexual-assault victims to receive justice”. In an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal, FIRE co-founder Harvey Silverglate wrote that “FIRE vigorously defends the free-speech and due-process rights of college students and faculty” and that the organization “is nonpartisan and has defended students and faculty members on the left and right”, making “common cause with politically diverse organizations ranging from the American Civil Liberties Union and the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers to The Heritage Foundation, Young Americans for Liberty and the Cato Institute“.[44] Casey’s position was challenged in USA Today by Stuart Taylor and KC Johnson, who wrote that, contrary to a letter in which Casey and Senator Patty Murray described campus sexual assault as “affecting millions of college students”, 5,178 campus rapes were reported in 2014.[45] Politico ran a prominent piece that echoed Casey’s characterization of FIRE,[46] while National Review and other publications assailed Casey and defended FIRE.[47][48][49][50][51]
Energy and environment

Casey accused his Republican opponent Rick Santorum of not recognizing the danger of global warming.[52]
Foreign policy
Along with over 70 other senators, Casey wrote to urge the European Union to designate Hezbollah as a terrorist organization.[53] He introduced the Stop Terrorist Operational Resources and Money (STORM) Act of 2016, which punishes countries that accept terrorist financing by their citizens or within their borders. Casey voted for the Protect and Preserve International Cultural Property Act, which was designed to ensure that the U.S. is not a market for antiquities looted from Syria and was signed into law by Obama.[54][55][56]
Casey condemned the genocide of the Rohingya Muslim minority in Myanmar and called for a stronger response to it.[57]
Casey was one of 34 senators to sign a letter in 2019 to President Trump encouraging him “to listen to members of your own Administration and reverse a decision that will damage our national security and aggravate conditions inside Central America”, asserting that Trump had “consistently expressed a flawed understanding of U.S. foreign assistance” since becoming president and that he was “personally undermining efforts to promote U.S. national security and economic prosperity” by preventing the use of Fiscal Year 2018 national security funding. The senators argued that foreign assistance to Central American countries created less migration to the U.S. by helping to improve conditions in those countries.[58]
Casey voted against a resolution in 2024 proposed by Senator Bernie Sanders to apply the human rights provisions of the Foreign Assistance Act to U.S. aid to Israel’s military. The proposal was defeated, 72 to 11.[59]
Government spending and taxes

Casey introduced legislation in 2012 that would extend the payroll tax cut for another year and provide tax credits for employers that add jobs.[60]
In 2016, Casey joined a group of Senate Democrats led by Joe Manchin of West Virginia who wanted to extend expiring benefits for retired coal workers.[61] Described as “unusually animated”, Casey said he would “vote against a must-pass spending bill needed to keep the government running” if the coal miners’ benefits were not extended.[62]
Alongside all other Senate Democrats, Casey voted against the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, saying that it was “a giveaway to the super rich”.[63]
Gun policy
In 2016, The Washington Post reported that “‘pro-gun’ Bob Casey” had become “an evangelist for gun control laws”. After the Sandy Hook school massacre in 2012, he had “completely flipped his views” on several gun issues, largely as a result of having been “accosted” by his wife and daughter. “Casey has since embraced every major proposal to counter gun violence”, the Post reported, “including a renewed ban on assault weapons and enhanced background checks before gun purchases.” In the wake of the Orlando Pulse massacre, he unveiled the Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which would have prevented people convicted of hate crimes from buying guns. He said he had never really thought about the gun issue until Sandy Hook, “coasting along with Pennsylvania’s traditional pro-gun views in a state where the National Rifle Association has held sway for decades”. After Sandy Hook, he “found it unacceptable that the NRA opposed any new laws”.[64]
Philadelphia magazine ran an article the same year about Casey’s “profound about-face on gun control”, noting that it had taken place in “a matter of days” and that Casey “was the first to introduce gun control legislation after the massacre in Orlando”. Casey said his switch had been a result of “thinking of the enormity of it, what happened to those children, which was indescribably horrific, and then having my wife and daughter say to me, ‘You’re going to vote on this at some point. How are you going to vote?'” He said: “I had to ask myself that question, because normally I would stay in my lane. There’s only two lanes on this. It’s the NRA lane or the voting for commonsense gun measures lane. So I decided whether I was going to stay in the old lane, in which I had traveled a long time but really had never been challenged or had to cast a real big vote.”[65]

Casey supported President Obama’s health reform legislation; he voted for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in 2009,[66] and for the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010.[67]
Casey was one of six Democratic senators to introduce the American Miners Act of 2019, a bill that would amend the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 to swap funds in excess of the amounts needed to meet existing obligations under the Abandoned Mine Land fund to the 1974 Pension Plan as part of an effort to prevent its insolvency as a result of coal company bankruptcies and the 2008 financial crisis. It also increased the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund tax and ensured that miners affected by the 2018 coal company bankruptcies would not lose their health care.[68]
In 2019, when asked during a town hall whether he supported Medicare for All, Casey declined to directly answer, but said he supported “universal coverage”.[69]
Amid discussions to prevent a government shutdown in September 2019, Casey was one of six Democratic senators to sign a letter to congressional leadership advocating the passage of legislation that would permanently fund health care and pension benefits for retired coal miners as “families in Virginia, West Virginia, Wyoming, Alabama, Colorado, North Dakota and New Mexico” would start to receive notifications of health care termination by the end of the following month.[70]
Casey formerly identified as pro-life[71][72] and expressed support for overturning Roe v. Wade.[73] In 2005, he opposed funding embryonic stem cell research.[74] In 2006, he supported the Democrats for Life of America‘s Pregnant Women Support Act,[75] which sought to reduce abortion by supporting women experiencing unplanned pregnancies. Casey has voted against barring HHS grants to organizations that provide abortion services, where such services may often not be central to the organization’s chief purpose.[76]
In 2010, during a debate on the Affordable Care Act, Casey was heckled for his handling of the abortion provisions in the bill and for not taking an uncompromising anti-abortion stance. He was the primary sponsor of an amendment to prevent government funds from being used for abortion services, but when he tried to organize a compromise that appealed to the party’s lone Senate holdout, Ben Nelson, he angered some religious groups.[77][78]
In 2011, Casey voted against defunding Planned Parenthood and cutting funding for contraception, and for cloture for the nomination of Goodwin Liu, earning him a 100% rating from NARAL.[79] The same year, Casey said he supported over-the-counter sale of the morning-after pill for emergency contraception.[80] In the 2012 election, NARAL Pro-Choice America‘s election guide endorsed Casey.
In 2015 and 2018, Casey joined two other Democratic senators, Joe Manchin and Joe Donnelly, in voting for bills that would ban abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy.[81][82] In 2017, he voted for legislation that would have overturned the Mexico City Policy, which prohibits foreign aid for organizations that provide or promote abortion.[83][84] His vote prompted anti-abortion activists to question his commitment to their cause.[84] The National Right to Life Committee criticized Casey for his 2017 vote against the confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court of the United States.[85][71]
In 2018, Politico wrote:
After a decade in the Senate, Casey has become an increasingly reliable vote in support of abortion rights—scoring as high as 100 percent on NARAL Pro-Choice America‘s vote tally in 2016 and 2017 … although his 2018 rating is sure to be lower.
Politico acknowledged that scorecards “are an imperfect calculation of a lawmaker’s position”, adding that Casey asserted that he had voted anti-abortion on 13 of the 15 abortion-related measures during his career.[71] According to Politico, “Like conservative anti-abortion groups, [Casey] opposes the Roe decision and opposes the taxpayer funding of the [abortion] procedure. But like progressive abortion rights organizations, he supports Obamacare, access to contraception through programs such as Title X and funding for Planned Parenthood.”[71] Casey considers contraception a tool to reduce the demand for abortions. He has called on greater funding for access to contraceptives, specifically supporting Planned Parenthood’s efforts to make them more accessible.[71]
In 2022, Casey fully reversed his anti-abortion position and said he supported legislation to codify national abortion rights.[86][87][88] He and 45 other senators voted to allow debate to continue on the Women’s Health Protection Act in a roll-call vote on February 28.[89] He voted for the measure again on May 11 in the wake of the leak of the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision. He said that if the bill passed cloture, he would still vote for it.[90]
In 2019, Casey was one of 41 senators to sign a letter to the housing subcommittee praising the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development‘s Section 4 Capacity Building program as authorizing “HUD to partner with national nonprofit community development organizations to provide education, training, and financial support to local community development corporations (CDCs) across the country” and expressing disappointment that President Trump’s budget “has slated this program for elimination after decades of successful economic and community development.” The senators wrote of their hope that the subcommittee would support continued funding for Section 4 in Fiscal Year 2020.[91]
Immigration laws
Casey supported the Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act of 2007 (S. 1348), a bill voted down in the 110th United States Congress, which would have provided a path to legal citizenship for undocumented persons living in the U.S. He also supported the Clinton amendment, the Menendez amendment, and the Alaska amendments.[92] During his 2006 Senate race, he expressed support for the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006.[93] Casey voted to continue federal funds for declared “sanctuary cities”.[94]
Casey took part in a Philadelphia International Airport protest against President Trump’s January 2017 travel ban.[30] Leaving a black-tie event to join the protest, he tweeted: “I won’t stand by as the promise of America is diminished.”[95] In May, Casey, nine other senators, and 13 U.S. representatives requested in a letter to the Homeland Security Secretary that they stop the detention of four children and their mothers at the Berks County Residential Center. Many of the families had been detained there without legal recourse for more than a year and a half. Casey also personally took to social media with impassioned appeals to the White House on behalf of a Honduran 5-year-old and his 25-year-old mother being held at the facility who were facing deportation. They had fled violence and death threats and sought asylum in the U.S. in 2015, but failed their credible fear interview. Attorneys had been appealing their case, and the legal team was in the middle of the process of applying for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status for the child when they were awakened at 3:30AM on May 3 by Immigration and Customs Enforcement and put on a plane to Honduras. “This child and his mother deserved better from this Administration. They got the absolute worst”, Casey said.[96][97]
In 2019, Casey and six other Democratic senators led by Brian Schatz sent letters to the Government Accountability Office and the suspension and debarment official and inspector general at the Department of Health and Human Services citing recent reports that showed “significant evidence that some federal contractors and grantees have not provided adequate accommodations for children in line with legal and contractual requirements” and urging officials to determine whether federal contractors and grantees were in violation of contractual obligations or federal regulations and should thus face financial consequences.[98]
Judicial nominees

Casey expressed support for the confirmation of both John Roberts in 2005[99] and Samuel Alito in 2006[100] to the Supreme Court of the United States; both were believed to be in favor of overturning Roe v. Wade.
He voted to confirm both Sonia Sotomayor in 2009[101] and Elena Kagan in 2010 to the Supreme Court of the United States.[102]
Casey voted against confirming Neil Gorsuch in 2017 to the Supreme Court, citing “real concerns” about Gorsuch’s “rigid and restrictive” judicial philosophy and some of his past opinions on issues relating to the health and safety of workers and the rights of those with disabilities.[103] He also voted against the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court in 2018.[104] He voted against the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court in 2020.[105]
LGBT rights
Casey voted for the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Repeal Act of 2010.[106][107] A longtime supporter of civil unions, Casey stated his support for same-sex marriage in 2013.[108][109] He also supports the adoption of children by same-sex couples.[43]
Casey was one of 18 senators to sign a letter in 2019 to United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo requesting an explanation of a State Department decision not to issue an official statement that year commemorating Pride Month or issue the annual cable outlining activities for embassies commemorating Pride Month. They also asked why the LGBTI special envoy position had remained vacant and wrote, “preventing the official flying of rainbow flags and limiting public messages celebrating Pride Month signals to the international community that the United States is abandoning the advancement of LGBTI rights as a foreign policy priority.”[110]
Personal life
Casey and his wife, Terese, were married in 1985, and have four children.[111]
In 2023, Casey was treated for prostate cancer.[112][113]
His brother Patrick Casey is a lobbyist who has reported lobbying the U.S. Senate on a number of issues.[114] His brother-in-law is also a lobbyist, which has raised conflict of interest concerns about the senator’s actions benefiting entities who hire his relatives.[115]
Electoral history
Party | Candidate | Votes | % | ±% | |
Democratic | Robert P. Casey Jr. | 252,645 | 34.6% | N/A | |
Democratic | Tom Foley | 242,190 | 33.2% | N/A | |
Democratic | Bill Lloyd | 128,500 | 17.6% | N/A | |
Democratic | Sandra Miller | 105,868 | 14.5% | N/A | |
Majority | 10,455 | 1.4% | N/A | ||
Turnout | 729,203 | −32.2% |
Party | Candidate | Votes | % | ±% | |
Democratic | Robert P. Casey Jr. | 2,367,760 | 56.1% | +10.8% | |
Republican | Bob Nyce | 1,706,835 | 40.4% | −10.7% | |
Libertarian | Sharon Shepps | 103,234 | 2.4% | −1.2% | |
Constitution | Robert Lord | 43,487 | 1.1% | N/A | |
Majority | 514,204 | 12.2% | +9.8% | ||
Turnout | 4,221,316 | 65.3% | −1.0% | ||
Democratic gain from Republican | Swing |
Party | Candidate | Votes | % | ±% | |
Democratic | Robert P. Casey Jr. (inc.) | 2,651,551 | 56.8% | +0.7% | |
Republican | Katie True | 1,862,934 | 39.9% | −0.5% | |
Green | Anne Goeke | 62,642 | 1.3% | N/A | |
Libertarian | Jessica Morris | 41,967 | 0.9% | −2.1% | |
Constitution | John Rhine | 23,971 | 0.5% | −0.5% | |
Reform | James Blair | 21,476 | 0.5% | N/A | |
Majority | 638,561 | 13.6% | +1.4% | ||
Turnout | 4,664,541 | 63.1% | −2.2% | ||
Democratic hold | Swing |
Party | Candidate | Votes | % | ±% | |
Democratic | Ed Rendell | 702,442 | 56.5% | N/A | |
Democratic | Robert P. Casey Jr. | 539,794 | 43.5% | N/A | |
Majority | 162,648 | 13.1% | N/A | ||
Turnout | 1,242,236 | 28.0% | +13% |
Party | Candidate | Votes | % | ±% | |
Democratic | Robert P. Casey Jr. | 3,353,489 | 61.3% | +14.1% | |
Republican | Jean Craige Pepper | 1,997,951 | 36.5% | −12.8% | |
Libertarian | Darryl Perry | 61,238 | 1.1% | −0.4% | |
Green | Paul Teese | 40,740 | 0.7% | −0.8% | |
Constitution | Max Lampenfeld | 20,406 | 0.4% | −0.5% | |
Majority | 1,233,154 | 22.5% | +24.0% | ||
Turnout | 5,473,824 | 68.9% | +5.8% | ||
Democratic gain from Republican | Swing |
Party | Candidate | Votes | % | ±% | |
Democratic | Robert P. Casey Jr. | 629,271 | 84.5% | N/A | |
Democratic | Chuck Pennacchio | 66,364 | 8.9% | N/A | |
Democratic | Alan Sandals | 48,113 | 6.5% | N/A | |
Democratic | Others | 1,114 | 0.1% | N/A | |
Majority | 513,680 | 68.9% | N/A | ||
Turnout | 744,862 | +1.3% |
Party | Candidate | Votes | % | ±% | |
Democratic | Robert P. Casey Jr. | 2,392,984 | 58.7% | +15.2% | |
Republican | Rick Santorum (inc.) | 1,684,778 | 41.3% | −17.4% | |
Majority | 708,206 | 17.3% | +10.4% | ||
Turnout | 4,077,762 | 41.8% | +3.0% | ||
Democratic gain from Republican | Swing | −24.4 |
Party | Candidate | Votes | % | ±% | |
Democratic | Robert P. Casey Jr. (inc.) | 565,488 | 80.9% | N/A | |
Democratic | Joseph Vodvarka | 133,683 | 19.1% | N/A | |
Majority | 431,805 | 61.8% | N/A | ||
Turnout | 699,171 | −6.1% |
Party | Candidate | Votes | % | ±% | |
Democratic | Robert P. Casey Jr. (inc.) | 3,021,364 | 53.7% | −4.9% | |
Republican | Tom Smith | 2,509,114 | 44.6% | +3.3% | |
Libertarian | Rayburn Smith | 96,926 | 1.7% | +1.7% | |
Majority | 512,250 | 9.1% | − | ||
Turnout | 5,627,404 | ||||
Democratic hold | Swing | −4.9% |
Party | Candidate | Votes | % | ±% | |
Democratic | Bob Casey Jr. (incumbent) | 2,792,437 | 55.74% | +2.05% | |
Republican | Lou Barletta | 2,134,848 | 42.62% | −1.97% | |
Libertarian | Dale Kerns | 50,907 | 1.02% | −0.70% | |
Green | Neal Gale | 31,208 | 0.62% | N/A | |
Total votes | 5,009,400 | 100.00% | N/A | ||
Democratic hold |
Party | Candidate | Votes | % | ±% | |
Republican | David H McCormick | 3,398,920 | 48.82% | +6.20% | |
Democratic | Robert P Casey Jr. (Incumbent) | 3,383,370 | 48.60% | −7.14% | |
Libertarian | John C Thomas | 89,632 | 1.29% | +0.27% | |
Green | Leila Hazou | 66,361 | 0.95% | +0.33% | |
Constitution | Marty Selker | 23,616 | 0.34% | N/A | |
Total votes | 6,961,899 | 100.00% | N/A | ||
Republican gain from Democratic |
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External links
- Senator Bob Casey Jr. official U.S. Senate website
- Bob Casey for Senate
- Appearances on C-SPAN
- Biography at the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress
- Financial information (federal office) at the Federal Election Commission
- Legislation sponsored at the Library of Congress
- Profile at Vote Smart