2024 PA Senate Race

2024 PA Senate Race


The 2024 United States Senate election in Pennsylvania will be held on November 5, 2024.  The seat is currently held by Bob Casey.

The two leading candidates are Bob Casey – Democrat and David McCormick – Republican.

The race is considered to be competitive given the state’s nearly even partisan lean; however, most polls show Casey to be the slight favorite to win.

The Pennsylvania Libertarian Party officially nominated John Thomas at the party’s state convention on March 2, 2024.

OnAir Post: 2024 PA Senate Race


Casey and McCormick to face each other
Associated Press, Marc LevyApril 23, 2024

Democratic Sen. Bob Casey and Republican challenger David McCormick will face each other in Pennsylvania’s high-stakes U.S. Senate contest this fall, as Tuesday’s primary election put the men on track for a race that is expected to cost hundreds of millions of dollars and help decide control of the Senate next year.

Casey and McCormick won their respective party primary contests after they were uncontested and now enter what is likely to be a grueling, expensive and hard-fought 2024 general election campaign that culminates in the Nov. 5 vote.

Casey, seeking his fourth term, is perhaps Pennsylvania’s best-known politician and a stalwart of the presidential swing state’s Democratic Party — the son of a former two-term governor and Pennsylvania’s longest-ever serving Democrat in the Senate.



Pennsylvania is considered to be a purple state at the federal level, especially since in the 2020 presidential election, Joe Biden carried Pennsylvania by about 1.2 percentage points. Democrats currently control both U.S. Senate seats, the Governorship, a majority of its U.S. House congressional delegation, and the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. The last time Republicans won a U.S. Senate seat in Pennsylvania was in 2016.

Senator Bob Casey Jr. was first elected in 2006, defeating then-incumbent senator Rick Santorum by about 17 percentage points. He was re-elected in 2012 by 9 percentage points and in 2018 by 13 percentage points.

Source: Wikipedia

Recent Predictions

Sabato’s Crystal BallLean DJune 13, 2024
Decision Desk HQ/The HillLean DJune 8, 2024

Recent Polling

Poll sourceDate(s)
of error
Casey Jr. (D)
McCormick (R)
Cygnal (R)June 27–28, 2024800 (LV)± 3.45%46%42%12%
The Bullfinch Group[A]June 14–19, 2024800 (RV)± 3.46%48%36%16%
Emerson College[B]June 13–18, 20241,000 (RV)± 3.0%47%41%12%
Marist CollegeJune 3–6, 20241,181 (RV)± 3.6%52%46%2%

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Bob Casey’s re-election in Pennsylvania will be ‘key’ for Democrats holding Senate majority

February 8, 2024 (07:28)
By: NBC News – Meet the Press Now

With Democrats facing an uphill battle to maintain their Senate majority in 2024, Sen. Bob Casey’s (D-Pa.) re-election campaign in Pennsylvania will be one of the most consequential battles in the country. NBC News Correspondent Ali Vitali joins Meet the Press NOW from the campaign trail.

Bob Casey

Current Position: US Senator since 2007
Affiliation: Democrat
Former Positions: Treasurer of Pennsylvania from 2005 – 2007; Auditor General of Pennsylvania from 1997 – 2005
Other Positions:  Chair, Subcommittee on Children and Families – Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions; Chair, Special Committee on Aging
Upcoming election: Running for another term

Casey is the son of Bob Casey Sr., a former governor of Pennsylvania. Casey practiced law in Scranton before beginning his political career as Pennsylvania’s auditor general.

Featured Quote: 
The #BetterCareBetterJobs Act would make President Biden’s proposal to invest in home and community-based services a reality and improve the lives of millions of seniors, people with disabilities, and home care workers. #BuildBackBetter

PA Sen. Bob Casey explains his decision to support blowing up the filibuster

OnAir Post: Bob Casey – PA

David McCormick

David Harold McCormick (born August 17, 1965) is an American businessman and politician. McCormick served as the CEO of Bridgewater Associates, one of the world’s largest hedge funds, from 2020 to 2022. He is the husband of former Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategy, Dina Powell.

A member of the Republican Party, McCormick served as Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs during the George W. Bush administration. In January 2022, McCormick announced his candidacy for the U.S. Senate seat held by retiring incumbent Pat Toomey. He lost to surgeon Mehmet Oz in the Republican primary by fewer than 1,000 votes.

OnAir Post: David McCormick


Bob Casey

Source: Government Site

Supporting Pennsylvania’s farmers and protecting its natural resources

Senator Casey believes that our farmers play an essential role in supporting our rural communities and feeding families across the state and beyond.  Senator Casey has worked to secure wins through past Farm Bills to support dairy farmers, organic agriculture, specialty crops, and other industries critical to Pennsylvania’s agriculture landscape.

As stewards of the land, farmers contribute significantly to conservation efforts to protect and improve our shared natural resources.  To support these efforts, Senator Casey continues to advocate for conservation investments that contribute to farm income and also address climate change and improve water quality, including additional support to improve the Chesapeake Bay.  Additionally, Senator Casey has led efforts to connect excess food products with families in need through commodity purchases to support food bank distribution, as well as the establishment of farm-to-food-bank projects.

Fighting for a strong start for every Pennsylvania child

Senator Casey believes that all children deserve a strong start in life, and the economic health of our Nation rests upon how well we help prepare our children for success. In the 21st century, it is time that we give our children a fair shot to achieve the future they deserve. That’s what his Five Freedoms for America’s Children agenda is about: securing for our kids the Freedom to be Healthy, Freedom to be Economically Secure, Freedom to Learn, Freedom from Hunger and the Freedom to be Safe from Harm.

By laying a solid foundation that includes health, economic security, education, nutrition, and safety from the day they are born, we can ensure all children can grow to their full potential. As Chairman of the HELP Committee’s Subcommittee on Children and Families and a member of the Committee on Finance, Senator Casey is fighting each day to ensure that children’s needs are being considered in policymaking at every level.

Fighting for equal rights under the law for all people

Senator Casey believes that each generation of Americans has a fundamental obligation to advance and protect the cause of civil rights, as our Nation continues its pursuit to become a “more perfect Union.”  This Nation was founded on the notion of freedom and equality for all, and it is imperative that we work until these principles are a reality for every person.

Whether it is fighting for voting rights, equity in our criminal legal system, or policies to support women, the LGBTQ+ community, immigrants, and other marginalized communities, Senator Casey is committed to ensuring that our government provides equal protection under the law for all people.

Defending our planet for today and tomorrow

Pennsylvania’s Environmental Amendment to the state constitution states, “the people have a right to clean air, pure water, and to the preservation of the natural, scenic, historic and esthetic values of the environment…”.  Senator Casey believes strongly in this constitutional amendment and the responsibilities that these rights place upon him.

The climate crisis not only threatens the health of the environment for future generations, but it is already having a devastating impact on our communities today by negatively affecting our public health, agriculture, economy, and environment.  We need to invest in meaningful climate action now, and we can do so while also creating good jobs and providing robust assistance for training and skill development.  Senator Casey believes that we can and we must do both.

Further, Senator Casey believes that our efforts to protect the environment and address the climate crisis must also confront a legacy of environmental injustice in frontline communities throughout our Nation.  Senator Casey is focused on advancing policies that ensure all people have equal protection from environmental hazards, in order to live full and productive lives.

Keeping people safe and markets in check

Senator Casey believes that government can play a vital role in protecting consumers from practices that endanger public safety, health, and well-being, and that consumers are entitled to accurate, thorough, and accessible information that empowers them to safeguard their families in an increasingly complex world.

Additionally, Congress and government agencies have a responsibility to ensure that financial products and markets must work for consumers.  The creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) was a key step toward ensuring that consumer risks and concerns are at the heart of our financial regulatory system.  Senator Casey is committed to preserving the CFPB’s ability and authority to execute its mandate, promote financial education, monitor financial markets for risks to consumers, and restrict unfair or abusive practices like scams and predatory lending.

Similarly, government oversight and regulation by agencies, such as the CFPB and the Federal Trade Commission, can play an important role in making markets work for middle-class Americans.

Protecting personal data and America’s networks

Senator Casey is increasingly concerned by the weaponization of information and data and the growing role cybersecurity plays in U.S. national security.  Cybersecurity and national security are increasingly intertwined.  Our Nation’s cybersecurity – that of our government agencies, corporations, and everyday Americans – is increasingly under threat by those who seek to undermine our national security, the integrity of our elections, and the privacy of consumers.

It is no secret that recent breaches of government agencies and major corporate entities, as well as foreign cyber activity during the 2016 presidential elections, have revealed significant gaps in our cybersecurity infrastructure.  Senator Casey continues to advocate for sustained investment in cybersecurity infrastructure and capacity, both in government and by the private sector, as it is essential to protect the safety and privacy of Americans.

As a member of the Select Committee on Intelligence, Senator Casey is committed to conducting stringent oversight of government agencies responsible for U.S. national security, and ensuring they have the necessary resources to counter 21st century threats.

Reimagining the global community and supporting America’s defense

Senator Casey believes that diplomatic engagement, working with our allies, and robust foreign assistance are the best ways to promote America’s interests abroad.  However, these efforts must be coupled with a strong national security apparatus and investments in deterrence and self-defense.

The national security challenges facing our Nation today are immense.  They include competing with China in a complex global economy, as Chinese actions increasingly undermine American interests; taking a global leadership role and working with allies to combat climate change; protecting our Nation from terrorists; countering Russia’s malign activities; supporting our stalwart ally, Israel; and bolstering international efforts to combat the grave threat of nuclear terrorism.

As a member of the Select Committee on Intelligence, Senator Casey continues to work to pursue a national security strategy that protects our interests, promotes human rights and democracy worldwide, and supports those who serve our Nation.

Ensuring people with disabilities have the opportunities and access available to all Americans

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that there are 61 million people in the United States with a disability.  From newborns to the oldest seniors, disability is part of our communities and families.

For the over 1.8 million Pennsylvanians with disabilities and all those across our Nation with similar circumstances, Senator Casey believes they should have the same opportunities as people without disabilities: to secure a quality education, to have comprehensive health care, and to work at a good job where it is possible to be economically self-sufficient.  He also believes people with disabilities should be free from the prejudice and bias of low expectations and limited opportunities.

Accessibility means that our physical spaces, roads and buildings, schools, and stadiums are accessible.  It also means our ever-expanding virtual world – websites, online work places, and virtual services – are accessible, too.  All aspects of our society must be accessible to people with all types of disabilities.  The Americans with Disabilities Act affirms the civil rights of people with disabilities.  However, those rights cannot be fulfilled without supports.  Senator Casey is committed to working to provide the supports that will enable people with disabilities to exercise their right to self-determination.

Enabling Pennsylvania’s kids to grow and succeed

Senator Casey believes that a quality education from early childhood through college is of paramount importance for every child, and in turn, the future of Pennsylvania and our Nation.  Ensuring all children have access to a high-quality education not only improves their economic success, but is also critical to developing a well-rounded and civically engaged population.

Senator Casey believes we must ensure every child has access to high-quality early learning opportunities.  He also believes that we must make significant investments in public education, in order to address long-existing inequities and ensure that every child has the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Powering the Commonwealth and America

Pennsylvania has been a national leader in energy production.  Senator Casey believes we must maintain that status while also working to address the climate crisis and invest in energy solutions that bring economic, health, and environmental benefits to all Pennsylvanians.  We must increase the use of renewable energy to address the climate crisis, while also recognizing and prioritizing the protection and creation of good-paying jobs in the energy sector.

Senator Casey also works to protect the health and safety of communities throughout the Commonwealth, which is why he supports the regulation of natural gas extraction, as well as disclosure of chemicals involved in the process.  Our communities absolutely deserve transparency when it comes to protecting human health, and Senator Casey supports responsible fracking that is regulated and closely monitored to protect our communities.

Reinventing the system to help workers and the middle class

Senator Casey believes there is no more urgent priority for our Nation than rebuilding the middle class by raising wages and creating good-paying jobs.  Our tax system can play a critical role in ensuring that all residents of the Commonwealth have a fair shot at financial stability in today’s economy.

Across our Commonwealth’s cities and towns – large and small, urban and rural – Senator Casey has heard a consistent message from Pennsylvanians: too many families are struggling to get ahead while a fraction of the elite reap the benefits of a tax and financial system that rewards the few at the expense of the many.

For too many families, their costs keep going up, but their wages do not keep pace.  Senator Casey supports reversing the massive tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy and big corporations passed in 2017, and enacting tax policies to rebuild the middle class, reduce child poverty, lower the costs of child care, and support working parents and opportunities for all Americans.

Fighting for a fair share

Senator Casey fights to ensure that residents of the Commonwealth get a fair share of federal funding, from our largest cities to our small towns and rural areas.  Senator Casey frequently works to establish that formula grants created by legislation do not disadvantage Pennsylvania, and he actively participates in the appropriations process to ensure that Pennsylvania needs are championed in Congress.  He also assists Pennsylvania organizations applying for federal grants and helps constituents navigate the federal bureaucracy, so they can better help their local communities.

Combatting the gun violence epidemic and supporting survivors and families

Gun violence is a public health epidemic ravaging our Nation and disproportionately affecting our communities of color.  Senator Casey believes that we have an obligation to do everything that we can to combat this uniquely American problem, including passing commonsense measures to keep dangerous firearms out of the hands of dangerous people.  Those efforts should include universal background checks, limits on magazine size, and banning military-style assault weapons.  He also believes that we must increase our efforts to support the millions of gun violence survivors across our Nation who struggle to cope with the aftermath of this senseless violence.

Fighting for affordable health care and a healthier Commonwealth

American families deserve access to quality, affordable health care, and ensuring access to this care is a top priority for Senator Casey.  Senator Casey is a member of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions and the Committee on Finance, both of which oversee policies and programs related to health care access.  Senator Casey also serves as the Chairman of the Special Committee on Aging, where he constantly advocates for the health care needs of older Americans and those with disabilities.

Senator Casey uses his positions on these committees to defend the Affordable Care Act, protect Medicaid and Medicare, expand and protect health care access for all Pennsylvanians, lower out-of-pocket health care costs for seniors and families, ensure children have a healthy start in life, promote lifesaving biomedical research, and find ways to combat the opioid crisis.

Support for safe homes across the Commonwealth

Senator Casey believes in safe, secure, and affordable housing for all Pennsylvanians, and that includes his commitment to housing stability.

The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated what we have all known for too long – that homelessness has calamitous effects on individual and community health.  Safe housing also means resilient housing, built away from or to withstand the worsening effects of climate change, and housing that is safe from environmental risk and contamination.  Senator Casey advocates for policies to support these efforts at the federal level.

A secure border and dignity for those seeking a better life

The American immigration system as it exists today fails to address the needs of our economy, our families, and our national security.  Senator Casey believes we must take an accountable, commonsense approach to immigration reform.  This means enacting policies that bring undocumented immigrants out of the shadows and into our communities and economy, secure our borders, unite families, and ensure individuals fleeing violence and persecution who arrive at our shores have a fair opportunity to petition the government for asylum – and are well cared for while they do so.

Senator Casey also believes that we must work with other countries, especially in Central America, to address the root causes of migration.  Fundamentally, Senator Casey believes the United States – a Nation of immigrants and a Nation of laws – must foster a system that treats all individuals with compassion and dignity, while also securing our border and protecting our national security.

Growing and sustaining the middle class

Senator Casey believes that the middle class and working people are the economic engine of our economy, and that an economy built by and for them is good for America.  As such, he champions economic policies built around workers and creating good-paying jobs in Pennsylvania, and lowering costs for families.

Senator Casey believes in promoting a fair economy with equal opportunities for all Pennsylvanians to work hard and get ahead.  This vision relies on educational opportunities, investments in children and families, strong infrastructure, fair tax policies, worker protections and labor rights, and is founded on the premise that growing inequality is both inconsistent with American principles and an impediment to equal opportunity.

Reforming and addressing systemic racism in our legal system

Senator Casey believes that our Nation is at a moral crossroads, and we can no longer accept a criminal legal system – informed by centuries-old prejudices and racial bias – that turns a blind eye to the injustice and systemic racism impacting our communities of color.  He believes that we can and we must reform these systems, while still supporting our law enforcement and holding accountable those who abuse their positions of public trust.  Furthermore, Senator Casey is a strong leader in ensuring that formerly incarcerated Americans receive a full and fair second chance to reenter society.

Fighting for workers’ rights and wellbeing

Senator Casey believes that strengthening workers’ rights and protections is essential to building an economy that works for all Americans.  Raising the minimum wage, protecting workers’ fundamental right to organize, and ensuring that all workplaces are safe and free from discrimination or harassment are critical to ensuring that workers can support themselves and their families.  When workers have a say in decisions that affect them, workplace protections are enforced, and workers are fairly compensated for their labor, the entire American economy benefits.

Creating opportunities for growth

Senator Casey believes in protecting the competitiveness of Pennsylvania businesses and creating new opportunities for new and existing firms.  Small businesses are the backbone of the Commonwealth and the Nation, and Senator Casey believes in getting these businesses the resources they need to thrive.  Infrastructure, the tax code, training opportunities, and support from the Small Business Administration, Minority Business Development Agency, and other sources are all key elements of a thriving business environment that Senator Casey works to promote.

Supporting and protecting Pennsylvania’s seniors

Senator Casey believes that all older Americans have the right to age with dignity and financial security in the setting of their choice.  He is committed to protecting and strengthening Social Security and Medicare, eliminating age discrimination in the workplace, and ensuring Medicaid’s long-term services and supports are available to all seniors who need them.

Older Americans fought our wars, taught our children, worked in our factories, and helped build our middle class.  It is our sacred duty to care for the generations that came before us.

A global economy and fairer trading practices

Senator Casey believes that one of our Nation’s most important priorities is creating good-paying jobs and raising wages for workers and families.  There are many components to building an economy that works for all Americans, and one vital element is trade.

When foreign nations cheat on trading practices, Pennsylvania workers lose their jobs.  This is why we must have ironclad trade enforcement and fight against dumping, subsidies, and overcapacity.  The challenges posed by non-market economies like China are not unique to the United States.  They are global.  As our Nation takes steps to protect Pennsylvania jobs and wages, we must also work with our allies toward a sustained and coordinated strategy to address these issues of mutual concern.

International trade that is fair can have substantial benefits for our economy and our workers.  The only way to achieve fair trade is by holding accountable those nations that cheat, and taking commonsense steps to ensure that the bedrocks of our democracy are protected.  Senator Casey continues to fight to ensure U.S trade policies align with our national priorities, including on labor, environment, climate change, and women’s economic empowerment, and that those trade policies support protections for workers’ wages and certainty for American farmers.

Pennsylvanians can outcompete anyone in the world when the playing field is level, and we must support and enact laws that help ensure it is.

Connecting Pennsylvania in the 21st century

Senator Casey believes that innovative and resilient infrastructure is essential to support a growing economy.  The Commonwealth’s roads, rails, waterways, airways, bridges, dams, levees, ports, airports, and transit stations are critical pieces of each Pennsylvanian’s life.  As such, he is committed to federal support for these systems and to working with state and local partners to develop innovative solutions to ensure that our transportation systems are equitable and resilient.

Senator Casey also recognizes that broadband internet is a critical component of modern life and is necessary for full participation in the economy and educational opportunities.  He strongly supports robust investment in broadband internet, particularly investments in communities that lack access to affordable, quality internet services.

America’s eternal obligation to its defenders

Senator Casey believes we have an abiding obligation to serve the brave men and women who have served our Nation.  President Lincoln outlined a simple and vitally important mandate when it comes to the care that is owed to our veterans: “To care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow, and his orphan.”  We must also recognize the sacrifices borne by the families of veterans – by the mothers and fathers, and especially the spouses and children.  These loved ones not only provide an invaluable support system, but often serve as caregivers when their servicemember or veteran returns home.

Pennsylvania has one of the highest populations of veterans in the Nation – totaling nearly 1 million people.  Senator Casey continues to fight for veterans’ access to high-quality education, health care, and disability benefits.  He is an advocate for expanding services for female veterans, mental health resources, and ensuring caregivers have adequate resources to support and care for Pennsylvania’s veterans.


David McCormick


Under Joe Biden, everything costs more, and Bob Casey has blindly supported every disastrous Bidenomics policy that has crushed Pennsylvania families and contributed to our debt spiraling out of control. He even voted to raise taxes on hard working Pennsylvanians while voting to give massive tax breaks to millionaires in California and New York. As a former CEO, Dave has experience creating hundreds of Western Pennsylvania jobs and eliminating wasteful spending. He knows what it’s like to be responsible for the bottom line, and in the Senate he’ll work to rein in government spending, oppose tax increases, and exercise fiscal responsibility to lessen the burden on the people of the commonwealth. As a father to six daughters, Dave knows this is essential for creating opportunities for the next generation entering the workforce.


Joe Biden and Bob Casey’s failed border policies have created an enormous economic and national security threat for America and Pennsylvania. Casey has regularly voted against tougher border security measures, has supported sanctuary cities and voted to give illegal immigrants taxpayer-funded federal benefits. He even voted against Kate’s law, which set a mandatory imprisonment minimum for deported felons who illegally enter the U.S. Now, Pennsylvanians are paying for healthcare, schooling, housing, food, you name it, for people who don’t pay taxes as dangerous drugs cross our border and women and children become victims to trafficking. As Senator, Dave will fight to secure the border, put an end to drug and human trafficking, and support our border patrol agents with the resources they need to do their jobs.


Under the Biden administration, our adversaries see a weakening America. We saw it first in the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. Then through an emboldened Russia waging war on Ukraine. And most recently in Israel, where Hamas launched an assault on the Israeli people with the support of Iran. Bob Casey has consistently been a rubber stamp for weak and harmful foreign policy decisions — including casting the deciding vote to pass the Iran deal, which gave them billions to fund terrorism. As a combat veteran and a former deputy national security adviser, Dave knows we need a robust defense budget focused on equipping us for next generation warfare. As Senator, he’ll work to restore America’s military might, strengthen our defense industrial base, reestablish deterrence of our adversaries, and make sure the world knows we’re not planning to relinquish our superpower status anytime soon. We must show peace through strength.


Every American deserves to feel safe where they live and work, but dangerous rhetoric and lax law enforcement policies have led to an increase in crime. Urban decay and skyrocketing murder rates are making sections of our great cities a terrifying place to raise children. Fentanyl is killing Americans in every community. As a father, Dave knows firsthand the heightened concern parents have for their children’s safety. Defunding the police, which Bob Casey supported, and declining respect for our law enforcement is diminishing the ability to keep communities safe. And Soros-funded prosecutors in cities like Philadelphia are undermining rule of law, allowing violent criminals to return to the streets. Bob Casey and Joe Biden’s approach isn’t working. That’s why 47 sheriffs from across the commonwealth have endorsed Dave. They know they can trust him to advocate for the needs of law enforcement in Washington.


If Pennsylvania were a country, we would have the fourth largest natural gas reserves in the world. But under Biden’s anti-American energy policies rubberstamped by Bob Casey, we haven’t been able to access clean natural gas, including from the Marcellus Shale. Casey supports policies that are costing us jobs and driving up energy prices even more. He championed a radical cap-and-trade policy, which would have cost Pennsylvania tens of billions of dollars and half a million jobs. The commonwealth used to be an energy exporter, and now we’re an importer. Dave is a conservationist who believes we don’t have to choose between clean energy and economic development – that’s a false tradeoff. Our leaders must mitigate the risk of climate change through adaptation and energy policies that do not impose significant damage on our society, our economy, and our security, and policymakers must reckon with the reality that China and India combined are responsible for a third of global emissions and growing rapidly. America must be energy independent — it’s good for our economy and our national security — and we can do that while simultaneously supporting Pennsylvania’s position as a leader in reducing emissions. We need market-driven solutions and an “all of the above” energy agenda, not government spending that drives inflation.


Dave is the proud son of two Pennsylvania teachers, so he’s spent much of his life hearing about how we as a country can deliver the best possible education for America’s children. Jim and Maryan McCormick saw the education and development of the next generation as the most important thing we must do as a country. Unfortunately, our education system is currently failing America’s children, and the numbers are staggering. Only 25 percent of graduating seniors could keep up with a college‐level math class, and 37 percent were ready for college‐level reading. The average high school graduate today is no better educated than she would have been twenty‐five years ago, and neither poor nor rich students are doing better. As a result, American students are falling behind the rest of the world.

Dave has a plan to revamp our education system with a talent strategy that revives and unlocks the courageous, entrepreneurial American spirit. This starts by improving the quality of our schools by expanding school choice, committing to free expression, and valuing civics and the formation of good citizens. We must also create new workforce training programs and accord job training and community colleges the same respect—and financial support—our country directs toward a four‐year college education. Equipping America’s next generation with the skills they need to succeed in the workforce is essential to the prosperity of our country and our people.


Fentanyl is pouring across our southern border and ravaging communities, killing over 4,000 Pennsylvanians a year — and Bob Casey has been a rubber stamp for the horrendous border policies that enabled this crisis. As a father, Dave is extremely concerned about fentanyl falling into the hands of our children, and at the end of the day, he knows this crisis will not get better until we have operational control of the southern border and stop the unabated flow of Chinese fentanyl ingredients and drug money into the Western Hemisphere. He believes the federal government needs to go after the suppliers and traffickers that produce and bring fentanyl into the United States and sanction the financial flows that facilitate it. We must use sanctions, intelligence resources, military interdictions at sea, and all other tools at our disposal to make it as difficult as possible for drug cartels to produce fentanyl with ingredients originating in China.


From its beginning, America has been a cauldron of invention and innovation. The steel Pennsylvanians produced built cities and the coal and oil they extracted powered cars, factories, and people’s homes. Innovation likewise turned America into a military juggernaut and eventually a superpower after World War II. While CEO of FreeMarkets, a technology software company in Pittsburgh, Dave had a front row seat to the information revolution and saw how the flurry of technological adoption overhauled entire industries. It had a tremendously positive effect on American businesses and, more importantly, American workers. Today, we need to re-energize innovation, including through improving education in math, science, and engineering as well as technical skills training, and driving technological and data leadership which would in turn boost productivity and economic dynamism. Together, they would reverse the cycle of stagnation that holds our country back and form the foundation of the great American renewal.


China poses the gravest threat to our security and well-being since the end of World War II, and career politicians like Bob Casey have gotten China wrong for more than two decades. Dave believes our prosperity, our security, and our values are at risk. Senator Casey has been in Washington since 2007 and has failed to exercise leadership on behalf of Pennsylvanians to address this significant and growing threat. Instead, he has been a rubber stamp for policies that have weakened America and made us more dependent on China, including growing reliance on lithium batteries and solar panels. That’s why Dave introduced a plan to fortify American military and economic strength, thwart China’s aggressive ambitions and protect the homeland through six bans to end China’s free ride. You can read his plan here.


As a combat veteran, Dave knows that serving your country involves personal sacrifice. Too many of our nation’s veterans don’t get the care they deserve after coming home, and as a result, many struggle with their mental health, with a devastating twenty-two veterans a day taking their own lives. Dave knows that we need to equip our veterans with not just quality health care, but mental health care. That’s why he’s met with both veterans and officials to discuss ways to help those who are struggling after their service. We have an obligation to protect those who protected us. Dave also believes that most veterans excel in civilian society, which is why he always made a point to hire them while leading teams at both FreeMarkets and Bridgewater. Veterans are well‐trained young men and women with unlimited potential, and they often have incredible leadership experience and technical skills from their service. As Pennsylvania’s Senator, Dave will work to connect veterans with job opportunities in the private and public sector to help them succeed following their service to our country.


Joe Biden and Bob Casey’s failed agenda is wreaking havoc on our country, both at home and abroad. Democrats are trying to enact a sweeping, federal takeover of elections that erases common sense requirements like presenting a photo ID to vote, requiring that ballots be in by Election Day, and ensuring adequate observers and oversight before and during the election. We need to beat our Democratic opponents in November by mobilizing every Pennsylvanian who wants better leadership in Washington and ensuring they vote, whether that be by mail or on Election Day. Every Pennsylvanian needs to be able to have faith and confidence in our elections.


Dave recognizes that this is an incredibly polarizing issue and we need to seek policies that unify the country. Dave is pro-life, is opposed to a national abortion ban, and supports exceptions in the cases of rape, incest, and saving the life of the mother. In Pennsylvania, the current law, supported by both Republicans and Democrats, means abortion is legal through 24 weeks. Meanwhile, Bob Casey Jr. has the extreme position of supporting abortion up until the moment of birth. Bob Casey’s position is out of step with Pennsylvania, with America, and with his own late father.


Dave is a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and believes law-abiding citizens have an individual right to own firearms for self-defense, hunting, collecting, and sport-shooting, for any lawful reason, and neither Congress nor the states can take that away. As a responsible gun owner and a concerned father, Dave believes that we must increase school security across the board, and provide the money to do so, with school security officers. Second, we need to expand our mental health programs and reduce the stigma associated with seeking treatment. Third, prosecutors like Philadelphia’s Larry Krasner have to enforce the laws we have on the books. It’s unacceptable that some of the cities with the most stringent gun laws have the highest violent crime rates because of a lack of enforcement by liberal prosecutors. Finally, we need to make sure our law enforcement have the resources they need to protect our communities, and that we have rigorous background check systems, as we have in Pennsylvania. We need to preserve our rights while keeping guns out of the hands of criminals.


As a combat veteran and former government official who has lived the American Dream, Dave is a fierce defender of our values, and believes the progressive left is embracing an ideology that is undermining the basic tenets of our democracy. We need new leaders to cultivate the American spirit and restore institutional integrity: in the Pentagon, to put war fighting and deterrence first; in schools, to teach civics and America’s exceptional story; in business, to reaffirm the principles of merit and capitalism; and across society, to create a new national commitment to citizenship. Dave will always stand up for the truth with moral clarity.


Dave wants to go to Washington to deliver results for Pennsylvanians — not to become a career politician like Bob Casey. Dave supports term limits and will not serve more than two terms in the Senate if elected.

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